
I see Mr.Wan.His face looks pallid and thin,but his gaze is steady and his steps airy.Placidly,he places the palms of his hands together and bows to the guests on either side of him,showing no trace of his former domineering air.As he passes me,I lower my head,and he lowers his in turn to acknowledge my greeting.

Many things must have happened in the intervening months.

Supposedly,Master Deta had once been a promising student at the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University.However,as a result of his enlightenment,he gave up offers for graduate study at Stanford,Yale,UC Berkley and other ivy-clad campuses,took up vows,and became ordained as a monk.With him as an example,a group of other graduates of elite colleges also joined our temple and began to spread the teachings of Buddhism online,bringing relief to all mortal beings with methods adapted to the Internet age.

The master’s lecture today roams over many subjects—so many that I barely remember any of them.I do see Mr.Wan holding a pious pose and nodding frequently.When the master discusses how big data techniques could be used to help locate the young reincarnations of tulkus,his eyes even grow tearful.

I’m trying to hide from him,but I also can’t suppress the urge to go up to him and ask if the storm has finally blown over.I don’t miss my old life,but I miss my family.

Here,only monks who have achieved a certain status have the right to use the Internet.The layered green branches of the ancient cypress grove,like a firewall,separate us from the noise and dust of the secular world.My daily life,however,is not boring at all:sweeping,working,chanting,debating,and copying.Uncluttered by material possessions,I’ve been sleeping without trouble for the first time in years,and no longer live in constant dread of sudden vibrations from my phone—though occasionally my right quadriceps still suffers phantom pulses.But my teacher tells me that if I count my prayer beads—all one thousand and eight hundred of them—every day for a hundred eighty days,I shall be fully cured.

I think it’s because we want too much,more than what our bodies and minds are designed to withstand.

My old job was all about creating need,encouraging people to pursue things that didn’t matter for their lives,and then I used the money they gave in exchange to purchase illusions others had created for me.Round after round,we never seemed to tire of the game.

I think about my wife’s words:Her son is such a pushover he might as well be a baby.I’m even more useless than a baby.

This is my sin,my bad karma,the blockage I need to clear for my progress.

I’m starting to understand Mr.Wan.

After the lecture,Mr.Wan and a few others surround Master Deta,apparently because they have many questions that need his insight.Master Deta beckons to me.I gird myself and walk over.

“Would you bring these honored guests to meditation room three?I’ll be over in a moment.”

I nod,and lead the group to the room in the back reserved for VIPs.

I ask them to sit,and I pour tea for everyone.They nod and smile at each other,but their conversation is restricted to small talk.I’m guessing that they are competitors outside the temple.

Mr.Wan doesn’t look at me directly.He sips his tea and closes his eyes,meditating.His lips move as he silently recites some mantra,and his hands are busy with a string of rosewood prayer beads.After the forty-ninth time through the beads,I can’t hold myself back any longer.I walk up to him,bend down,and whisper next to his ear,“Do you remember me?”

Mr.Wan opens his eyes and scrutinizes me for half a minute.“You are Zhou…”

“Zhou Chongbo.You have excellent memory,sir.”

Mr.Wan grimaces and lunges at me,wrapping the string of prayer beads about my neck and pushing me to the floor.

“You fucking idiot!”He curses and strikes me.The two guests next to him stand up,startled,but they don’t dare to intervene.“Amitabha.Amitabha”,they murmur.

I protect my face with my hands,but I don’t know what to say.“Mercy!”I cry.“Mercy!”

“Stop!”Master Deta’s voice booms.“This is a sanctified place!Such violence has no place here.”

Mr.Wan’s fist,suspended in midair,stops.He stares at me,and tears suddenly spill from them and fall onto my face,as though he’s the one wronged.

“All gone…I’ve lost everything…”he murmurs.Then he falls back into his seat.

I get up.I guess someone who’s lost everything can’t even strike very hard.My body isn’t hurting at all.

“Amitabha.”I put my palms together and bow to him.I know he’s not feeling much better compared to me.Just as I’m about to leave the meditation room,the abbot stops me,and strikes me with his ferule:twice on the left shoulder,once on the right.

“Don’t discuss what happened today with others.You still have too much worldly arrogance about you and cannot handle important tasks.You must study harder and reflect on your actions.”

I’m about to argue the point but then remember that I once tolerated much worse from Lao Xu and Mr.Wan.Master Deta is basically the temple’s CEO.I have to swallow my pride.

I bow to him and back out.

I lean against the wall of the gallery and watch the woods in the setting sun.Smog glistens above the city like the piled layers of a sari.The bell tolls on the hour,and startled birds take to the air.

A thought flashes through my mind.I am reminded of how Master Subhuti once struck Monkey three times on the head with a ferule and then walked away with his hands held behind him,which was a message for Monkey to come to the backdoor of the master’s bedroom at the hour of the third watch for special lessons.

But how am I supposed to interpret two strikes on the left shoulder and one on the right?


At around nine o’clock at night—that’s when first watch turns to second watch under the ancient time system—I head for the abbot’s chambers via backwoods trails.My journey through the dark woods is accompanied only by the gentle susurration of pines,with not even a chirp from a bird.

I knock twice on the door,and then once.Someone seems to be stirring inside.I knock again.The door opens automatically.

Abbot Deta is sitting with his back to the door.Before him is a giant screen,completely dark.I seem to hear the low-frequency buzzing of electronics.He sighs loudly.

“Teacher!Your student is here!”I fall to my knees and prepare to kowtow.

“I think you’ve read Journey to the West too many times.”The abbot gets up,and I can see that his expression isn’t one of joy.“I told you to come at one minute past ten o’clock.”

I’m stumped for words.Apparently the master was using binary notation.

I hurry to hide my embarrassment.“Um…this afternoon—”

“It wasn’t your fault;I know what happened.As soon as you stepped into this temple,I learned everything about you.”

“…then why did you accept me?”

“Though your heart wasn’t directed towards the Buddha,you have within you the root of wisdom.If I didn’t take you in,I’m afraid you might have sought refuge in suicide.”

“Master is indeed merciful.”I’m still completely as a loss.

“I know you don’t understand.”Master Deta isn’t actually that old.He’s barely in his forties.As he laughs with his glasses perched on his nose,he resembles a college professor.

“Forgive your foolish student,master.Please enlighten me.”

Master Deta waves his hand.The giant screen,apparently controlled by body motion,lights up.The image on the screen is difficult to describe:a gigantic,compressed oval whose background is various shades of blue,studded with irregular patches of orange-red dots.Or maybe it’s the other way around.I think the image resembles the false-color version of some planet’s topographic map,or maybe a slide full of multiplying mold seen through a microscope.

“What is this?”

“The universe.Or more precisely,the cosmic microwave background.This is the image of the universe about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.You’re looking at the most precise photograph of it so far.”His enthusiastic admiration contrasts sharply with his humble monk’s garb.


“This was made by computation based on the data gathered by the European Space Agency’s Planck space observatory.Look here,and here—do you see how the pattern is a bit odd?…”

Other than patches of orange-red or cobalt mold,I can’t see what’s so special.

“Are you saying that…um…the Buddha doesn’t exist?”I ask tentatively.

“The Buddha teaches that the great trichiliocosm consists of a billion worlds.”He glares at me,as though forcing me to retract my words.“This picture proves that multiple universes once existed.After so many years of effort,humanity finally proved,through technology,the Buddhist cosmology.”

I should have realized this would happen.The abbot is just like the pyramid schemers in Zhongguancun—anything,no matter how unrelated,could be seen by them as powerful proof for their point of view.I try to imagine how a Christian might interpret this picture.

“Amitabha.”I put my palms together to show piety.

“The question is:why has the Buddha chosen now to reveal the truth to all of humanity?”He speaks slowly and forcefully.“I pondered this question for a long time,but then I saw your scheme.”


Master Deta nods.“I can’t say I approve of your methods.However,since you ended up coming here,that proves that my guesses were correct.”

Cold sweat seeps onto the skin at my back,not unlike that night so long ago that it seems unreal.

“This world is no longer the same as its original form.Put it another way:its creator,the Buddha,God,Deity—no matter what name you give it,has changed the rules by which the world operates.Do you really believe that the consecration was what allowed Buddhagram to perform miracles?”

I hold my breath.

“Suppose the universe is a program.Everything that we can observe is the result of the machine-executable code.But the cosmic microwave background can be understood as the record of some earlier version of the source code.We can invoke this code via computation,which means that we can also use algorithmic processing to change the version of the code that’s currently running.”

“You’re saying that Mr.Wan’s algorithm really caused all of this?”

“I dare not jump to conclusions.But if you forced me to guess,that would be it.”

“I’m pretty science-illiterate,master.Please don’t joke with me.”

“Amitabha.I am a Technologist-Buddhist.I believe in the words of Arthur C.Clarke:’Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable at first glance from Buddhist magic.’”

I know there’s something not quite right here,but I don’t know how to debate him.“But…but that project failed.Look at what a sad state Mr.Wan is in.I don’t think I have anything more to do with this.”

“What is not real?That which form possesses.

The Tathagata will be seen.

When mind past form progresses.” [2]

“Master,please allow me to leave the temple and return to the secular world.I miss my wife.”A nameless fear suddenly seizes me like a bottomless pit rising out of the screen on the wall,trying to pull me in.

Master Deta sighs and smiles wryly,as though he has long since predicted all this.

“I was hoping that by studying Buddhist doctrine with me,you would be sufficiently calmed to stay here and wait out the catastrophe.But…you and I are both caught in the wheel of samsara,so how can we escape our destinies?All right.Take this as a memento of our time together.”

He hands over a gold-colored Buddha card.On the back is a toll-free number as well as a VIP account number and security code.

“Teacher,what is this?”

“Don’t lose it!The resale value of this card is 8888 yuan.If anything happens,you can give me a call.”

Master Deta turns and waves his hand,and the moldy image on the screen is replaced by regular TV programming.An American quantum physicist has been killed by gunshot.Bizarrely,the shooter claims that it was an accident because he thought the victim was someone else.


Half a year passes.I meet Lao Xu at Guanji Chiba,a popular barbecue restaurant in Zhongguancun.

Lao Xu hasn’t changed much.He’s still pathologically in love with barbecued lamb kidneys.Like a stereotypical Northeasterner,after a few bottles of beer,his face glowing with grease and jittering with emotion,Lao Xu begins to say what’s really on his mind.

“Chongbo,why don’t you come and join me again?You know I’ll take care of you.”

Animatedly,Lao Xu tells me what’s been going on with him,spewing flecks of spittle through the smoky haze.After he hid and rested for a while at home,another phone call drew him back into the IT world.This time,he didn’t start a marketing company with no future,but became an“angel investor”.With all the contacts he made among entrepreneurs,now he gets to spend other people’s money—the faster the better.

He thinks I have potential.

“What’s going on with Mr.Wan?”I change the subject.My wife has just found out that she’s pregnant.Although my current job is boring,it’s stable.Lao Xu,on the other hand,isn’t.

“I haven’t heard from him for a while…”Lao Xu’s eyes dimmed,and he took a long drag on his cigarette.“Fortune is so fickle.Back when Buddhagram was on fire,a whole bunch of companies wanted to invest.An American company even wanted to talk about purchasing the whole company.But at the last minute,an American man showed up claiming that Y’s core algorithm was stolen from one of his graduate school research labmates.The American sued,and he just wouldn’t let it go.So the patent rights had to be temporarily frozen.All the investors scattered to the wind,and Lao Wan had to sell everything he owned…but in the end,it still wasn’t enough.”

I drain my cup.

“It wasn’t your fault,”Lao Xu said.“Honestly,if you hadn’t come up with that idea,I bet Lao Wan would have failed even earlier.”

“But if they hadn’t made Buddhagram,maybe the Americans wouldn’t have found out about the stolen algorithm.”

“I’ve finally got it figured out.If what happened hadn’t happened,something else would have.That’s what fate means.Later,I heard that the labmate Y stole from was shot and killed in America.So now the patent case is in limbo.”

Lao Xu’s voice seems to drone on while time stands frozen.My gaze penetrates the slight crack between his cigarette-holding fingers,and the background of noisy,smoky,shouting,drinking patrons of the restaurant fades into the distance.I remember something,something so important that I’ve managed to forget it completely until now.

I thought everything was over,but it’s only starting.

After saying goodbye to Lao Xu,I return home and begin to search,turning everything in the house upside down.My wife,her belly protruding,asks me if I’ve had too much to drink.

“Have you seen a golden card with a picture of the Buddha on there?”I ask her.“There’s a toll-free number on the back.”

She looks at me pitifully,as though gazing at an abandoned Siberian husky,a breed known for its stupidity and difficulty in being trained.She turns away to continue her pregnancy yoga exercises.

In the end,I find it tucked away inside a fashion magazine in the bathroom.The page I open to happens to be the picture of a Vaseline-covered,nude starlet lounging amongst a pile of electronics.Each screen in the image reflects a part of her glistening body.

I dial the number and enter the VIP account number and security code.A familiar voice,sounding slightly tired,answers.

“Master Deta,it’s me!Chenwu!”


“Chenwu!Secular name Zhou Chongbo!Remember how you struck my shoulders three times and told me to go to your room at ten-oh-one to view the picture of the cosmic microwave background?”

“Er…you make it sound so odd.Yes,I do remember you.How’ve you been?”

“You were right!The problem is with the algorithm!”I take a deep breath and quickly recount the story as well as give him my guess.Someone is working really hard to prevent this algorithm from being put into wide application,even to the point of killing people.

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